Reformation bible society
By paying the membership fee and signing up you are confirming that you have read the Society’s articles. Specifically noting the following:
Section 1.
Membership in the Society shall be on an individual rather than an institutional basis.
Section 2.
Every member must agree with the Society’s Purpose, subscribe to the Doctrinal Basis, and to at least one of the following confessions of faith: Westminster Standards, Three Forms of Unity, Second London Baptist Confession, Savoy Declaration, Formula of Concord, Thirty-Nine Articles. Annual re-affirmation is required.
Section 3.
The M.Div. degree or its theological equivalent shall ordinarily be required for membership in the Society. In exceptional instances, and at the discretion of the executive committee, anyone who lacks the M.Div. degree or its theological equivalent may be eligible for membership, provided that he has made significant contributions in the realm of bibliology.
Section 4.
New members shall be added by two-thirds majority vote of the executive committee and shall support the work of the Society with an annual contribution as determined by the executive committee.
Section 5.
A member whose teachings have been challenged as incompatible with the Doctrinal Basis of the Society shall have his case referred to the executive committee, before whom he and his accusers shall be given full opportunity to discuss his views and the accusations. A two-thirds majority vote of the executive committee shall be necessary for dismissal from membership.
If you want to be a member but are not sure if you meet section 3 please contact us directly for advice.
Currently membership is from August to August of the next year. Those who join prior to 2024 will have membership till August 2025.